About myself and my family situations

Till 24yrs age photo

I am friendly caring with good attitude. Very caring person. But i have one bad habit like i feel jealous like no girl goodlooking decent not being friend with me always. Next is i being arrogent not listen anyone words when i return from job to home if i get salary lesswith 9hrs of job i am normal. If i work for more salary its difficult after my marriage because work pressure more so i have to stay long time in office due to that i never care my lifepartner.
Its be silly and childish to you but can question me like others can work takecare of family getting high salary why not me can ask. For me either job or family both can maintain thats difficult task for me.

About myself:

  •  I am Nandhagopal NR alias Nandhu born and bought up in Chennai. I am very sincere and dedicated hardworker in office work. If work given by my supervisors i do on the same day if very late at night even at 1am also then only salary hike giving. Every guys for more salary not looking for family because they earning for family to be high status but peaceful and hapiness freedom not be there. I am very fair and goodlooking lean smart till my college days and in school but girls use to call me as BROTHER till now also what to do i think everyone as sister but not as friend. I use to maintain my health going to gym making strong muscles and after that in college days and when i went to office work i am very sincere in work doing 12hrs to 15hrs in a day so i spoiled my health after few years before by skiping food on timely basis so i became little fat look but not much overweighted then i reduced my weight now normal weight but not mainly because of that i met with bike accident 2times and recovered after 3yrs for treatment muscle tears doctor given steriods injections for 2months that is the reason i look like loosen fatbody.

 I never used to study well in school and in college also. When I was 5th class in school I am very fair every one use to call me Marwadi boy or Bhramin boy. I use to study get 1st rank after I went to 6th class I not study well and one Bhramin girl newly joined her name TS Vidhya on my same class everyone use to approach her  mainly boys. I see her one time she smiled at me then I smiled that's all I never talk to anyone even boys also. Boys use to Rag at me and being closer to that girl. But she avoided all of them and noticed me as I didn't talk to anyone and also feel lonely so she volunteerly talk to me and one boy gets first mark and his friend 2nd mark in class got angry on me when she talk to me every time. She hold my hand suddenly that time I feel shivering fear later next day she use to encourage me to get good marks more than 2nd rank and 1st rank in class. I use to competitive marks than that 1st rank guy. She liked me as said. Then after 7th class I get good marks as she supportive with me then on 8th class she didn't come as I heared she left school  after  7th class finished. I use to fight with school boys that time chasing them and one boy his name Dhakshinamoorthy he pushed me suddenly i fell down from first floor to sunshade hanging that time with nose fully bleeded and nose internal bone cracked and school people staffs took me to hospital put bandage on my nose for 3 days i use to take oxygen and leave out carbondioxide by mouth only due to severe pain.That boy got suspended from school at last. I felt very worried not able to contact her then I scored very low marks average nearly and on 9th class I failed as i use to play cricket outside much with friends at nearby house my skintone changed as Chennai living person wheatish skin. Then to my parents compulsion I was passed somehow. Then I left the school due to house shifted to Chennai north division. Then I joined 10th class in other school I never talk to anyone after that being alone if anyone ask anything I reply but unwantedly I not talk. Later after 12th class one girl from scienve group i am in commerce group that time. That girl everytime sight at me and her class boys use to comment to me and one boy her friend said she liked me so he used my innocence said give love letter at school nearby. I given to her but she scolded me will beat me with her chappal. Then by fear i ran away from there. After that she suddenly talk and laugh at me said sorry. After that i not feel to see her. I joined in college on 2001 at distance in Arts college studied BBA fulltime. The college were I studied is like a school as not to talk with any girl keep distance and coming to college on time otherwise punishment given likewise. At first year I mingled with many boys as friendly with them and roam outside bunk the college so on. My college Head of the department warned me by calling my parents that i was absent for many days. Then on 2nd year I never take leave and I be good student in class then onetime a girl noticed me in class hours started loving me but she said to few boys as they are friendly with her.  They said me Anitha her name loving me I said not want love and all. They said meet her and say. When I call her at roadside going along with her friend girls she running away then one day I kept small bit sized paper mentioning not to love me and told detail about myself. She cried a lot and told to her friends they asked me and I said I cannot say straight so wrote letter in a piece of paper I told. I felt that girl area girls and boys are worst local people's so I avoided. Then after 3rd year she loved one boy and dropped again loved another boy in another college. So I felt escaped from her. After college everyone learnt Master degree in Distance education institute at LIBA and I didn't learn said I planned to go job but I went to Multimedia course training in private institute i didn't do training well as they said no creativity knowledge for me later institute was shutdown due to losses happened as branch manager ran away taking all students money in that institute. So I didnot her certification later. Then I joined in callcenter agent in BPO sector at domestic for 5k take home monthly. Then due to sales team fully occupied they the company manager put me in sales team which I not want so resigned job. Then I went to credit card sales of HSBC bank as contract basis. I felt that due to difficult task roaming roadsides. Then at Sankara netralaya eye hospital as doctor secretary for 3k before BPO industry joined. After that i joined in ADFC pvt ltd subsidary of HDFC Bank ltd and that time i feel interested to work and due to my sincerity given me incharge designation and one day i came late to home at 12:30am that time due to blackcat crossed suddenly on road when i drive my bike faster to home i slipped on that cat and i was thrown away front from my bike due to sudden braking i got fractured being in home for 7 to 8 months nearly as my left hand elbow and left leg knee fractured not much major accident. So in company they called me after 2 weeks when accident happend i went to office by auto with bandage fully on left hand and left left knee covered. Then i worked with pain and due to severe pain i resigned job as they said will terminate me. Later I joined in BPO only in 3 to 4 companies for salary growth not as direct staff as agent with salary less till 28yrs wasted. Even 4 times met with bike accident while goon to office to reach at time sometimes I may be late or else mother make me late. I not have cab facility related office i didnot get job in big MNC. Whereever i join job my office collagues mainly boys try to teach me bad ideas so that they escape from higher officals. They force me to drink alchohols and smoking. There are many married mens in office but doing cheap behaviours like talking chatting with girls in office and without knowing their wifes doing mischiefs which i donot like so i avoid them even if manager also does the bad behaviour. I felt jealous when i see others easily get friendship with girls that too goodlooking kind of girls, But what to do they are only top management to work as slave to them if i not obey their words in personal manner also. So i hate the kind of job so i resigned many places because i cannot adjust if they scold very badly that cannot hear it. Its nonsense and i not speak any bad words which i never like it even in outside and home too. Based on my innocent and good decent behaviour one girl loved me when i worked in Tamilmatrimony(Consim info pvt ltd)her name is Lakshmi she is not fair but goodlooking long haired childish talks which i liked her much but due to i have younger sister to get marry soon i sacrifice my love. Later she waited for 1year got married with relative guy. I told my parents especially to my mother she not accepted due to she not naidu telugu caste. After that i met with bike accident again due to road slippery while coming to office when i worked in TCS Eserve ltd in banking collections i achieved 3 months target and for my birthday treat given for my office friends spending 8000 to 10000 rupees from that my mother asked my entire salary with payslips until i get marriage after that responsiblity by my lifepartner to takecare  of my salary. after few months i met with accident,it happened on 2yrs 7 months later when i joined in TCS. After that 3yrs i was in home due to heavy blood loss due to accident and fractured on left leg again on knee and ankle joint. My carrier breakout for 3 yrs due to accidents happened again doctor put antibiotic injections. When i go office very late like 10 to 15 minutes late to office after that later i planned to stay in hostel or alone in workstation for more salary but my mother not allow me due to one day I kept my gold chain at finance needs to stay in PG for that I arrange money and that time I asked a job for a lady who is director of a company. I asked for any known PG from her to stay she said guesthouse there to stay and one guy said her assistant given money to her as advance and he given guesthouse key said madam will take to guest house so she asked me to wait at one place I Waite for long time but she not came, later st cheap me said I talk wrongly to her approach wrongly as blamed me after taken back of got chain from finance company in Mannapuram gold finance. Then that lady assistant guy asked to pay advance then only give gold chain as said I said not want hue house also said guesthouse me given so have to pay then only go me chain as said after that only blamed me cheating. I told to my mother about this incident then said leave it off as she say lies to go for complaint. So I felt worried a lot that i made mistake because of my innocent behaviour misused me by others.After that i never trust anyone. When i joined in Onrole job in HDFC Ergo health insurance as customer care pilot process only 3 people there including me i used to work for 2 shifts for 7months then later girls joined after 7 months they all working in dayshift  and manager put me in night shift before i use to work double shifts Afternoon and continuation till night next day morning till 8am. So i skipped drinking water, no tea break and fully outside food that is fully fastfood foods. I was very sincere in job at BPO working more than 12 to 15 hrs in a day. Later due to no proper food intake in time I used to eat at 5pm lunch after many outside foods causes ulcers later pains in smotach admitted in hospital after bleeding comes out. After that I left job in BPO taking care of health had homeopathy tablets for 3 yrs later cured.Now no health problems from 2014 onwards then I joined in software testing course, Diploma in HRM but not got related jobs and lastly mobile service course for  future technical business to start. Finally did Catering course in food production and service too.  This is all about me now I worked in Maxlife insurance as agent only due to i didnot get job in onrole direct employee. I should not tell about my parents but because of them i sacrifice many things. My parents are aged and from my age of 25 yrs they not do their work and house related work properly.

About my family:My father named Hemandranath changed his name for business as Ramprasad. His intention is live happy life himself cursing me,my mother thats his wife then my sister everytime. He use to beat my mother whenever i be in job mainly on saturdays or sundays. My sister try to stop but he beat my sister also badly. He is selfish kind of person as he usually says only marriage after that child thatsall my work over as he saying till now which i said decently but he say in green words. He is just for name sake and he have wrong attitude as marriage only for child birth and wife should be treated as servant maid as saying till now too. If i argue with him husband and wife are equal and womens after marriage not be treated as servantmaid for that my father said its not gents activities says if husband orders anything wife should do the same which i donot like him i never listen his words later. He earns money for himself in business. He says he is familyhead so have to listen his words only. After that everytime asking money financial needs from my mother. He drink and smoke also eat non veg everytime. If anyone talk with him can know how he is. My father is doing own business after my birth of 3yrs as he married my mother as he worked in Vijay tv company old black and white shuttermodel television as manager after few months he resigned job after that he financially depend on my mother as she working in central govt in southern railway at age of 16yrs she joined in railway as her father thats my grandfather was in railway as he expired his job given to my mother. She is still working in Railway for 38yrs above and she is financially helpful for my father and my education even my sister education all as she buy loans and settled it and even she is hardwork sincere in her office work. My father doing advertisement business after my 3yrs of age but no proper income as he put rotation for profit he earns and helpful for his mother thats my grandmother. He never consider any financial help for me and my sister education and till now also. So I am looking for lifepartner to be against my father not helping for any reason.. He treats my mother as servant after their marriage like always badly scolding,fighting if food not prepared or not nice.If lady cook comes my father helping her and talking to her & making some jokes to make maid to talk nicely to him so my mother stopped that maid said no cook should come strictly informed. I can manage if my mother food if she prepare without taste, no salt in food and no spice any even no taste also likewise if my lifepartner does cooking I manage to eat no issues. My father use to throw in dustbin if no taste. My father is blackmailing my mother to get all properties by himself and he said to my sister alliances badly about her as she not cook, straight forward not listen anyone as said. This is the reasons my father. Now eyesight problem came. Then my sister decided to marriage herself love marriage but her mother in law not understanding her well treating her as her slave but she not accept to do any for her as she managing her life. Till my age 27 she manage to cook after that i cook for them dinner daily sometimes lunch afternoon. My dad says mother very old so i have to do all works at home even have office also every day dinner i have  to prepare. My dad make house very untidy when i come from office i clean home neatly but daily making untidy means i stopped cleaning home later cockroches entered then me and my mother cleaned even bathroom he make untidy not clean well when i come from office at night bad odour inside home with lots of cockroaches, flies,mosquitoes. Sometimes he forget closing the house door itself and many times forget to close gasstove knob itself if he makes tea or heating foods that time.My mother last year 2016 march done Uterus removal and galbladder removal operation for 2nd stage of cancer only i helped her being in hospital for 5days later taken care at home. My father and my sister left her not taken care from hospital admittion and in home. Only hope is me only. In this situations how i leave my mother suffering from beatings from childhood till now.
